The Things We Believe

The Things We Believe

Do you have certain things you believe? Like dogs bark or cats meow. Or the sky is blue and the grass is green.

Of course those things make sense, but what about things that we believe that maybe don’t make as much sense.


If I wear these green socks for every game, I will win the game. They are my lucky socks!

Black and white cows make white milk. Brown cows make chocolate milk.

Thats not true. I make white milk just like every other cow!

Or how about things we believe about ourselves that we don’t really acknowledge, but we can see the effects of in our lives.

Like- I’m not as important as that person.

Or I can say whatever I want because words don’t actually hurt.

Or he or she can treat me however they want. What matters is that they are happy.

Do you know that those programs can be very detrimental to our well being? And success?

Could you see how that can happen?

Often though, when we are in the midst of it, we can’t see it. We just keep going believing something we shouldn’t or even tell others not to believe. Yet, we are living it out.

I know I have.

I totally didn’t see it.

And now that I can, that blind spot is not longer a blind spot, I can’t unsee it.

Its good. Because now I can change course and live better. But its hard because its not easy to change course and live better.

Habits die hard.

Once you start digging in to some things that need changing, the lies you believe sometimes hit you right in the face.

For me, a lie I didn’t want to see was this “I am worthless”.

It was something that I had ingrained in me and came out in a variety of ways. And though it kept coming up as I have been doing some learning about healing in the Body Code and others, I didn’t want to see it as a lie I believed.

I ignored it. I said, that’s not something I believe. Nope, thats not me.

And yet, the evidence was always there.

Finally, I got up the courage to give that lie over to Jesus. And He took it away from me. He gave me the Truth. He reminded me that I am worth everything. He told me I am worth it all.

And, I believed Him.

So here is what I was taught to do with lies and that I teach others to do with lies.

When there is a lie that needs to be dealt with, maybe its something you recognize in yourself through a behavior or pattern you live out. First, ask yourself, why is this behavior here. Then ask again. Why? Then ask again. Why?

When you feel like there is not more why questions to ask, stop and examine that lie. Are there people you need to forgive connected to that lie? Ask yourself. Your subconscious knows and right now, you are tapping in to your subconscious. If you aren’t sure, ask God to help you.

He will.

Now, take that lie and hold it in your hands in front of you. You can write it down and do it physically if you like, but I typically just have people picture themselves doing it. Next, picture Jesus or God in front of you and taking that lie from you. They take it and break it into pieces.

Then ask them to give you something in return for that lie. Whatever it is, it will line up with Love. It will line up with Scripture. If you aren’t sure, ask questions. God will make it clear.

Speak out the Truth Jesus gives you.

Now take some time and write about the experience in your journal. Maybe make a notecard with the Truth you have been given and put it where you can see it often.

Take a few minutes to meditate on that Truth.

It may take a little bit to begin to walk out the Truth, but typically, you will notice that you don’t operate like you used to. You will notice that things you used to do, you don’t.

Its fascinating to me that it does indeed work and work well. Everyone I have used this on, sees a change. And gets a Truth.

I would love to hear how it worked for you!
