The Complexity of Grief

The Complexity of Grief

I guess I never really understood grief. The complexity of Grief is very real. I guess I always thought grief and grieving was one thing- sadness. Processing emotions. Remembering a life. That sort of thing. It’s so much more. I am learning that I really 

The Things We Believe

The Things We Believe

Do you have certain things you believe? Like dogs bark or cats meow. Or the sky is blue and the grass is green. Of course those things make sense, but what about things that we believe that maybe don’t make as much sense. Like- If 

Memories. Good. Bad. And Ugly.

Memories. Good. Bad. And Ugly.

Memories.. Good. Bad. And Ugly. Funny how memories work. We can have good memories or bad memories and really ugly memories. We can have blocked memories. Sometimes memories are sketchy, not so clear and just a little glimmer in the darkness.  Its all part of 

Annndd…. I’m Back!!! Family Updates and News!!

Annndd…. I’m Back!!! Family Updates and News!!

Wow, what a whirlwind of a summer!!!  But, I’m back and I have some fun family updates and BIG NEWS!!! A new baby. Moving a daughter and family of that new baby into a new house in the same month. A Bridal shower. A week 

The Gardens of Our Minds

The Gardens of Our Minds

Its spring- finally- so I’m in the gardens again. As I thought about what to write today, I thought about the gardens and some of the lessons we can learn from them. Like how our minds can be like the gardens. Its time to plant 

Your Grounding!

Your Grounding!

When I say “grounding”, what do you think of??  Are you like me and thought it was just some weird “Hippy-Dippy” thing? Or maybe you thought of electricity and that wire that was supposed to connect to the earth and keep the electricity from going 

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative insecurity. Mud Month and Grounding??  All in one post?  Really??  Yes.  Here’s why:  Mud Month encourages grounding. Mud is all over right now, in my area anyways. (I call March Mud Month. I realize that April and May, because I’m in the garden a 

You. Your House. And Boundaries, Part 2.

You. Your House. And Boundaries, Part 2.

Last week I posted the first part of this series and you can find it here. In last weeks post, I talked about why we would want to have good boundaries and what a boundary-less house would look like. I talked about how sometimes we 

You, Your House, and Good Boundaries

You, Your House, and Good Boundaries

Let’s talk boundaries. How do they go along with rejection? And why am I talking about them in connection with Valentine’s Day?? I mean, isn’t that the time to celebrate love and romance and relationships??!!! Sure, Valentine’s Day is a great time to talk about 

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Our bodies are truly beautifully and wonderfully made. We have not even begun to understand the complexities of the human body. The human body is of course, made up of a body. Within that body are organs, nerves, cells, and so much more. Our body