Body Code and Belief Code

Body Code and Belief Code

All About Body Code and Belief Code:

In my journey toward healing, I have come across a lot of different tools. Some I have experimented with, others I have just dismissed.  The Emotion Code is one I almost dismissed. In fact, I tried to dismiss it several times. God had other plans!

I tried it and was absolutely astounded! The practitioner I worked with, and still do, is fully immersed in the Holy Spirit, combined both Holy Spirit guidance and the Body Code in our session, delivering startlingly accurate insights. The immediate effectiveness of our session was palpable. After two sessions, a full year elapsed before I reached out to him again.

After that session, I ordered the book. But, I set it aside for a time because I thought, “that can’t be right”. Funny how God kept pointing me back to it.

So I prayed about it.

I read the book.

Tried it out on my family and pets.

My friend shared her experience with Emotion Code with me, explaining how it transformed and healed her marriage and life.

Prayed some more about it. 

Display showing my cards and brochures. Also some AO scan information and Young Living Essential oils

I continually attempted to ignore it, but God persistently redirected me towards it. The outcome was consistent: it proved effective. Although not always instantaneously, the changes eventually became apparent. One of our dogs transformed from a state of fear around strangers to welcoming them with appropriate interest whenever people visited our home. In terms of personal growth, I experienced a significant transformation in my pattern of thoughts, which is where I, like many, faced my greatest struggles.

After beginning to use the Emotion Code, I completed the certification in April of 2021 and felt compelled to expand my knowledge. Consequently, I achieved my Body Code certification in the summer of 2022 and obtained my Belief Code certification in January of 2024.

I am so excited to be able to use these modalities with my clients and, literally, CHANGE THEIR LIVES!

Discover Healing badge, and name badge from the certification course.

You can find out more about Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code here. If you would like to start your own certification process, please use this link which then gives me a little bonus:

Belief Code Certified Badge
January 2024, Certified in Belief Code.
Certified Body Code Practitioner badge.
Finished in September of 2022!
Finished in May of 2021
for Life Coaching
The FEW organization is a place of encouragement.

What exactly is the Emotion Code and the Body Code? 

Well, it is a method of energy healing that releases trapped Emotions and imbalances from the body. We are all energetic beings. If we go to the very all the way down to the electrons and protons, we would see lots and lots of space. Our bodies are basically lots and lots of space. Energetic space. We are energetic beings. We have an electrical field and we have a magnetic field. Some of the medical testing equipment used today utilizes these to diagnose issues in the body.

Some of us have LOTS of energy others of us do not. (Just a little “hehe”….) 

Frequency and Vibration

 We all have frequency and even our earth vibrates at a certain frequency, within a certain range. Everything has a frequency. 

Our foods we eat have a frequency. If we eat good, healthy foods, we take in a higher frequency than highly processed, low quality foods. Our emotions have a frequency. Negative emotions (anger, fear, depression) vibrate at a lower frequency than positive emotions. (Love, joy, peace) We want to keep our vibrational frequency up so that we can live a healthier more productive life. 

Using a modality like Emotion Code, Body Code, or Belief Code, takes the negative, lower frequency emotions, imbalances, and Belief Systems, and removes them from the body.

In a session, I connect energetically to you, then, ask your subconscious what needs to be removed. I follow the yes/no answers on a chart on my app and find the emotions, beliefs or imbalances that need to be removed.

The Method

When I ask a simple yes or no question, I am using muscle testing. You will test strong for a yes answer and weak for a no answer. I follow a chart on my phone that leads me to the areas that need dealing with. I ask yes or no questions following the chart to get to the trapped emotion or imbalance that needs addressing. Once I get to that and seek out any thing connected with that I simply swipe with my hand or a magnet over your governing meridian. 

The Governing meridian begins at the top lip, arches over the head, and descends down the spine to the tail bone. It connects with all the other meridians across the body. The body releases imbalances, which then travel through the meridians, reach the main Governing meridian, and exit the body, never to return.

When the imbalance resurfaces, it indicates the need for more work. It exposes another layer, not the same one previously removed, but a new one.

Victoria Reinke, CECP, CBCP
Victoria Reinke, CECP, CBCP

I would love to meet with you!!

I am thrilled to assist individuals through this approach! The technique is swift and effective, leveraging your subconscious to reveal the issues that require attention. Through this method, God facilitates immense healing, and partnering in this divine process fills me with joy.

Schedule your appointment with the scheduling link on the right side of my page. Choose between phone, video, or in-person meetings to suit your convenience. My services are available for both individuals and animals.

In our initial 20-minute session, I will outline the process and we will examine the issues you wish to address, including a brief demonstration of the technique. This session will be charged at $45.

Subsequent sessions will last 45 minutes each and cost $100.

You have nothing to lose, but some Trapped Emotions!! Try it and see how it can help you.

I look forward to hearing from you!

I would love to hear from you!