Tag: Faith

Swift and Imperfect. Raw and Vulnerable.

Swift and Imperfect. Raw and Vulnerable.

This is going to be a long blog post about taking swift and imperfect action about a very raw and vulnerable time. I’m sorry it’s so long, but I guess that’s what happens when I don’t blog for a while. I have this sign I 

The Things We Believe

The Things We Believe

Do you have certain things you believe? Like dogs bark or cats meow. Or the sky is blue and the grass is green. Of course those things make sense, but what about things that we believe that maybe don’t make as much sense. Like- If 

My Personal Journey Toward Purpose

My Personal Journey Toward Purpose

A long time ago…. it was the early 90’s.. seems like a lifetime ago, but really only about 25 or so years has passed. I began a journey. A journey I needed to embark on.You see, up until that point, I felt like I was