Time to Rest, Restore, and Renew

Time to Rest, Restore, and Renew

I just returned from a time to rest, restore, and renew myself. I have been known to do this for the last few years, and I am so glad I can do it. It is a treat that I don’t take lightly. I know that I am a little bit spoiled that I get to do such things.

And I am so thankful.

During this time, I just rested. I didn’t push myself to pray. To write or do anything really. I read. I rested. I ate good food.

And, I totally enjoyed the silence. Other than the birds, of course.

I was able to wander out to the North Woods to a friends cabin. No, I didn’t get it for free and this post isn’t an ad for her Air BnB.

This is just a post about being able to do such a thing.

This place was deep in the forest, part of the “Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest”. I was on a lake that I could just barely see through the trees. I drove my truck down the National Forest lanes to get to the cabin. I am so glad I drove my truck!!

I had my kayak along just in case, but of course, it got too chilly for me to want to get into water. I am kind of a baby that way. Water is something that draws me, but it has to be pretty warm for me to get into it!! Next time maybe.

This time away was just what I needed.

I didn’t get the writing done that I was hoping to. But that’s ok. Sometimes rest is what is needed so that inspiration can come. Today, I was able to write a story that may or may not go into publication. Time will tell. And I am sitting here writing a blog post.

So maybe the time of refreshing was inspiring. Just not while I was there in the cabin in the woods.

Can I just say I love the woods? I have always been drawn to the trees. I can remember so many times as a kid being pulled out to the woods near our homes just because there was something almost magical about being in the woods. I have a friend who told me long ago that when she sees me in her imagination, she sees me barefoot, with sticks in my hair and, in the woods. I have never forgotten that.

She knows me.

When I started writing this post, I was thinking about all the ways we can rest. There are a lot. But do we really ever rest, restore, and renew ourselves?

I mean, really, rest.

Like, no agenda, no goals, no “have to’s”.

Just “get to’s”.

I get to float in my kayak down the river for the afternoon.

I get to go to the salt room for an hour.

I get to go on a cruise on the ocean.

And of course, there are so many other “get to’s” that we can take part in. So when is the last time you took some time and did a “get to”? Even if it is just an afternoon sitting in the sun reading a good book?

How about a time when you took a few days and did a “Rest, Restore, and Renew” kind of trip??

Tell me about it in the comments. I would love to hear about it!!

If you haven’t in a while, what is keeping you from doing it?


I would love to hear from you!