Comfort Zones and Life Insurance

Comfort Zones and Life Insurance

Recently, I stepped REALLY out of my comfort zone. 

I committed to getting my life insurance license. 


Comfort Zones and Life Insurance

That is something different for me, isn’t it??!

I am usually the one to tell someone else to deal with the insurance stuff. Its not been my thing. 

But, I felt like I should go towards it. 

I took the class last weekend and can I say, I was blown away by how good I did in the class??!!

I’m not bragging. 

I am literally shocked!

This is something that I historically have been overwhelmed by. Confused by. Frustrated with. 

Like most of you. 

But I took the class and did very well!!

This year so far, I have done a couple of things outside of my comfort zone. 

Going to Las Vegas to a certification course. Alone. 

Belief Code Certification Class- out of my comfort zone.

WAY out of my comfort zone. 

Flying on a plane from Orlando to Vegas. Alone. 

Going alone wasn’t the issue, cuz I don’t mind doing things alone. I kind of like that. 

Going Alone on a plane- yea that part was a stretch. 

Stepping into some new levels of learning through the Belief Code and then the AO scanner. It’s stretching me!!

I Know About:

In general, I have learned a lot about health and wellness. 

I know about supplements and the importance of them. 

I know about Essential Oils and frequency. 

I know about healthy eating and growing your own foods.

I know about animals and kids. 

I have learned a lot about publishing a children’s book. 

my #1 rating on Amazon!
Comfort zone!!

I can write blog posts and run my website- mostly. 

I can pray for you and see you be set free and healed. 

I know about God and the Bible.

Life Insurance:

But I did not know anything about life insurance. 

That area has not been my forte.. I let my husband and daughter do that. 

I don’t like all the jargon and the rules.. 

They know about it and I was good with that. 

So what possessed me to get my life insurance license?? 


I don’t know really. 

I found myself saying yes and following through with it. Now, I find myself in this position of being almost ready to take my exam. 

And wondering how I got here. 

Reason number 1, is that I work with a lot of people who have issues with money. Something I do understand. I had a hard time with money too. It took me a while, and I really had to work through some issues with money. I feel like I do have a grasp on money after doing the work I needed to do. It can be a really hard thing for people.

I know. I was one of those people.

This license will give me a tool I can use to help others with their money. And direct them to a team of people who can help them get right with their money. 

Reason number 2 is that it will give me a bit of an income. Of course, that will be helpful around here to get us ready for retirement. 

Or to fund my garden/farm habit.. 


Did I plan on stepping out of my comfort zone and into life insurance?

Nope. I never thought about doing something like this. Stepping out of my comfort zone and into a Life Insurance License was not on my bingo card.

Its outside of my interests and to be honest, I really did not think I was smart enough for it. But the class showed me that I really COULD do something like this. 

I have no idea what I will end up doing with this license in the future, but I have it and I can see what happens from here. 

Maybe I will end up doing that as my full time job and all the rest will become my part time.. Who know??!!  Maybe I will take over my daughters job. 

Watch out, Daughter!!

I am leaving it all up to God because He is clearly directing me and I’m just following Him. 

So…..Life Insurance and Comfort Zones:

Do you need some Life Insurance? Direction with your retirement investments? Budgeting guidance?  

Message me. 

Need some freedom and spiritual healing?? 

Message me. 

Wanna come help me in my gardens and with the animals?? 

last years garden beds.

Message me

How about just coming and having a cup of tea with me and chatting and we will see where we go from there? 

That would be a great place to start. Message me too. 
