AO Scan Technology- Blowing MY MIND!!

AO Scan Technology- Blowing MY MIND!!

I have come across this AO Scan technology and it truly is BLOWING MY MIND!!

The things you can do with this, are amazing!!

I scan myself in the morning, and find out what supplements my body is in need of. I don’t have to take all the supplements I have every day. Some days, my body simply does not need them. Instead, I can charge some water with homeopathic frequencies that my body does need. I can do this 3 times a day, if I choose.

Then, I can listen to the frequencies my body needs to help bring me into balance, or I can go into SEFI and find other frequencies for specific conditions. SEFI is “Subtle Energy Frequency Imprint”. I can imprint my water, my jewelry, SEFI dots, with the frequencies for those specific issues or conditions, and wear them or drink the water.

SEFI imprinter
Imprint frequencies into dots you wear on your body.

AO Scan, Frequency

Frequency. What a concept, really. Did you realize everying in the world has its own frequency? I have learned a lot about frequency since I became a Body Code Practitioner.

I had no idea.

Words have power.

Emotions have power.

All because of frequency. When we speak negatively to our kids, those words have power. When we speak negatively to ourselves, those words have power. Emotions have their own frequency and when they get stuck in the body, they resonate at their own negative frequency, potentially causing problems in the body.

Now, using the AO Scan, I am learning SO MUCH MORE about how to help remove those negative frequencies!

Frequency healing recognizes that the body is electrical and has frequency. A healthy body has a certain blueprint of healthy frequencies that it vibrates at. Each part of the body has its own frequency that is in balance with the whole body. The AO scan technology contains over 120,000 different frequencies in its database to help bring the body back into balance.

Interestingly enough, the earth and the human body, have similar frequencies.

Most of this technology, is based on the works by Nikolai Tesla, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, and Marie Curie. Their theory is that everything, at its most basic level, is made up of light, energy and frequency. 98% of the body is energetic, from the tiniest cell to the outer layers of skin and hair. Everything around us is made up of energy and frequency.

How Does AO Scan work

The AO scan works because of energy and frequency. It reads your body for the imbalances in energy and frequency and then supplies the frequencies you need. There will be a list of notes and colors your body will use to help bring it back into balance. Also, a list of things that are going on in your body: emotions, food sensitivities, imbalances in chakras and meridians, imbalances in organs and body systems, and then a list of toxicities.

While, this technology isn’t used to diagnose or treat specific ailments, it can be used to point you to areas you might want to support.
For example, when I use this technology with clients, I focus on the emotions, chakras, and meridians. I work on releasing the emotions that come up and realigning the chakras and meridians. Often, dealing with these things, allows the body to come back into balance and the physical issues are no longer issues.

The AO scan takes a picture of this exact moment in time, so what comes up this time, may or may not come up next time. Our bodies and frequencies are ever-changing. We are looking for patterns. What things do come up often? What things are mentioned frequently in the reports?

Those are the areas that are being highlighted at this moment and need some support.

The fun thing for me is that I get to focus on these areas, and help bring the body into a place of balance through Body Code! This technology is BLOWING MY MIND!!

Want to try AO Scan for yourself?

Its been a fun journey and I am excited to see where this technology takes me next! You can read more about it on the AO Scan page on my blog.

If you are interested in experiencing it for yourself, click here. The link will take you to my scheduling page. There, you can book an AO Scan session for 30 minutes- in person or via zoom. Or, you can do an AO Scan with Body Code for 1 hour- also in person or via zoom.

Interested in purchasing your own AO Scan subscription? Follow this link:

I look forward to working with you!!

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