Tag: emotions

The Complexity of Grief

The Complexity of Grief

I guess I never really understood grief. The complexity of Grief is very real. I guess I always thought grief and grieving was one thing- sadness. Processing emotions. Remembering a life. That sort of thing. It’s so much more. I am learning that I really 

Swift and Imperfect. Raw and Vulnerable.

Swift and Imperfect. Raw and Vulnerable.

This is going to be a long blog post about taking swift and imperfect action about a very raw and vulnerable time. I’m sorry it’s so long, but I guess that’s what happens when I don’t blog for a while. I have this sign I 

You Are Worth It

You Are Worth It

Lately I have been pondering the topic of identity. By Identity, I mean, who I am. Who I truly am. People often try to label me, and I’m sure you as well, and some of the labels are good.  Like:  Mom Grandma Wife Friend Gardener 

Joseph’s Potential- And Yours

Joseph’s Potential- And Yours

I’m still on the topic of potential right now.. there is just so much potential to that word!!!   Hehe…  Anyways…  The definition of potential is this:  existing in possibility: capable of development into actuality, something that can develop or become actual From Miriam-Webster’s online dictionary)  

The Gardens of Our Minds

The Gardens of Our Minds

Its spring- finally- so I’m in the gardens again. As I thought about what to write today, I thought about the gardens and some of the lessons we can learn from them. Like how our minds can be like the gardens. Its time to plant 

Some Seasons are Harder than Others

Some Seasons are Harder than Others

This is a difficult season. I know many of you have noticed that my posts have been a little more vulnerable lately.. Many of you may have noticed that I haven’t posted as much lately. Maybe you haven’t noticed at all.. Everyone is in their 

Your Grounding!

Your Grounding!

When I say “grounding”, what do you think of??  Are you like me and thought it was just some weird “Hippy-Dippy” thing? Or maybe you thought of electricity and that wire that was supposed to connect to the earth and keep the electricity from going 

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative insecurity. Mud Month and Grounding??  All in one post?  Really??  Yes.  Here’s why:  Mud Month encourages grounding. Mud is all over right now, in my area anyways. (I call March Mud Month. I realize that April and May, because I’m in the garden a 

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

For years my brain was a mess. Toxic thoughts. Negative mindsets. Anxiety. Fear. I could get some clarity of thought sometimes, but never consistently. My mind was a hotbed of volcanic toxicity! How is that for a mental picture??!!   Sometimes it felt so thick… 

Let’s Talk About Anxiety

Let’s Talk About Anxiety

A few years ago, I might have said, “Let’s not.” Or “I don’t have anxiety.” I certainly would not have wanted to actually have a conversation about anxiety. That would have given me anxiety!! At parties, often I would “hide” with the kids or behind