Time to Rest, Restore, and Renew

Time to Rest, Restore, and Renew

I just returned from a time to rest, restore, and renew myself. I have been known to do this for the last few years, and I am so glad I can do it. It is a treat that I don’t take lightly. I know that 

The Journey Towards Authenticity

The Journey Towards Authenticity

It’s not easy, this journey we call life. The search to follow your own path, despite others expectactions, is difficult. Some of us feel called to more. To a different path. One that we create ourselves. The journey towards authenticity is uniquely our own. Sure its 

Best Job Ever!

Best Job Ever!

I truly believe I do have the best job ever! When I work with people or animals as an Emotion Code Practitioner, I get to see results. Sometimes immediately. Always I see some sort of results within a few days.  A trapped emotion is a