Tag: wholeness

Swift and Imperfect. Raw and Vulnerable.

Swift and Imperfect. Raw and Vulnerable.

This is going to be a long blog post about taking swift and imperfect action about a very raw and vulnerable time. I’m sorry it’s so long, but I guess that’s what happens when I don’t blog for a while. I have this sign I 

You Are Worth It

You Are Worth It

Lately I have been pondering the topic of identity. By Identity, I mean, who I am. Who I truly am. People often try to label me, and I’m sure you as well, and some of the labels are good.  Like:  Mom Grandma Wife Friend Gardener 

Sticks and stones…

Sticks and stones…

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  I remember yelling that back at the kids who called me names in elementary school. Jokingly, I said it as an adult. How many times have you heard this phrase or spoke 

Some Seasons are Harder than Others

Some Seasons are Harder than Others

This is a difficult season. I know many of you have noticed that my posts have been a little more vulnerable lately.. Many of you may have noticed that I haven’t posted as much lately. Maybe you haven’t noticed at all.. Everyone is in their 

Your Grounding!

Your Grounding!

When I say “grounding”, what do you think of??  Are you like me and thought it was just some weird “Hippy-Dippy” thing? Or maybe you thought of electricity and that wire that was supposed to connect to the earth and keep the electricity from going 

You. Your House. And Boundaries, Part 2.

You. Your House. And Boundaries, Part 2.

Last week I posted the first part of this series and you can find it here. In last weeks post, I talked about why we would want to have good boundaries and what a boundary-less house would look like. I talked about how sometimes we 

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Our bodies are truly beautifully and wonderfully made. We have not even begun to understand the complexities of the human body. The human body is of course, made up of a body. Within that body are organs, nerves, cells, and so much more. Our body 

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

For years my brain was a mess. Toxic thoughts. Negative mindsets. Anxiety. Fear. I could get some clarity of thought sometimes, but never consistently. My mind was a hotbed of volcanic toxicity! How is that for a mental picture??!!   Sometimes it felt so thick… 

The Journey Towards Authenticity

The Journey Towards Authenticity

It’s not easy, this journey we call life. The search to follow your own path, despite others expectactions, is difficult. Some of us feel called to more. To a different path. One that we create ourselves. The journey towards authenticity is uniquely our own. Sure its 

Best Job Ever!

Best Job Ever!

I truly believe I do have the best job ever! When I work with people or animals as an Emotion Code Practitioner, I get to see results. Sometimes immediately. Always I see some sort of results within a few days.  A trapped emotion is a