Joseph’s Potential- And Yours

Joseph’s Potential- And Yours

I’m still on the topic of potential right now.. there is just so much potential to that word!!!  



The definition of potential is this: 

existing in possibility: capable of development into actuality, something that can develop or become actual

From Miriam-Webster’s online dictionary) 

I have been posting about Joseph from the Bible on my SM this week because I feel like there is so much to cover there. Think about it from so many angles!!  While there are so many ways we can use this story for applications to our own lives today, I am just going to skim over 2 of them.

First we have- had some dreams that were so exciting that he told everyone, but they could see that the dreams meant they would be bowing down to their youngest brother. Not a good sell there.. But apparently God gave them to him so that Joseph’s potential could be seen by both him and his Father. Because what happens next seems to have negated that potential! Sold into slavery by his jealous and angry at him brothers, worked in a foreign land for a foreign master, thrown into prison by that master’s wife and then forgotten about by the one guy who could possibly get him out. 

Potential Trapped Emotions

But then…. Think about all the emotions that have potential to be stuck in him! Rejection by his family which could cause: despair, heartache, sadness, sorrow, anger, betrayal, love unreceived, helplessness, hopelessness, lack of control and so many more. 

Living in a foreign land not knowing the language or customs, in a new masters home as a slave could leave him with: discouragement, shame, worthless, humiliation, longing, fear. 

Then think about bitterness, anger, hatred, guilt, depression and unworthy. 

Oh- and there could be trapped emotions in the body causing other problems. 

Yea, I would love to get my hands on him and clear out all that stuff. But I don’t have to. God did. Suddenly, one day, the cupbearer remembered Joseph when the Pharaoh had some troubling dreams and he is out of prison. And just like that placed second in command to the Pharaoh to help him manage the severe famine that Joseph told him was coming. Pharaoh’s dreams were God telling him that a severe famine was coming and that he should prepare for it. He did prepare for it, with Josephs help and soon enough his brothers come and bow down before him to get some of the grain Joseph had control of. 

Crazy story right??!! 

But God. 

All of that potential for greatness that had been locked up inside of him for years, suddenly “developed into actuality”!! And God did it. Joseph didn’t forget his beginnings, his training as a child. He didn’t forget the dreams God gave him. Likely, understanding dreams had been a part of his life from his early years. He knew God from his early years and that helped him get to where he ended up, years and years later. It sure looked like his life was over and he was going to be living out his days in the prison. No one cares what happens to a slave in prison.

But God did care about what happened to this young man. And He cares about what happens to YOU!

Listen- your story doesn’t have to be quite so crazy, our lives today give us enough stuff to carry. Stress, anxiety. Business of life. Not to mention dysfunctional relationships, traumas and so much more. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t had some sort of trauma or issue in their life. Sometimes those things keep us from living our full potential. Sometimes those things cause us to have hindrances in our relationships or just in general. 

I can help you with that. 

I follow a chart and ask your subconscious and Holy Spirit yes/no questions and find the things that are stuck in your body and release them. Most people, after the first session, report feeling lighter. That fascinates me!! Everyone reports feeling a change of some sort after a series of sessions. 

Click on this link to to schedule an appointment today. Questions? Click here.

Want to read more about what I think about finding your purpose and living your full potential? Click this link: