Clarity of Thought for Christmas

Clarity of Thought for Christmas
Taking thoughts captive
Take thoughts captive- sometime easier said than done.

For years my brain was a mess. Toxic thoughts. Negative mindsets. Anxiety. Fear. I could get some clarity of thought sometimes, but never consistently. My mind was a hotbed of volcanic toxicity! How is that for a mental picture??!!  

Sometimes it felt so thick… like I couldn’t clear it just by “taking thoughts captive.” Lord knows I tried doing that. For some of us, taking thoughts captive is a cute suggestion, but not at all easy to do. Our brains are so bogged down that the thought of doing one more thing sends us over the edge! 

My Journey to Clarity

Then I learned to forgive myself. Every time a negative thought came up that was an old memory or about myself, I would forgive myself and then give it to God. That helped quite a bit and made the intensity of the thoughts slow. Still not a total victory. 

I did a lot of different things over the years to try to make it stop. Most things worked for a little while or stopped some of it. But, just being real here, those thoughts were incessant! So much negative!!!!!!   

How many of you struggle with your thoughts? It’s so hard sometimes to just change your thinking.. Especially when it is so ingrained in our brains.  

Emotion Code
Life Changing!

I did two things that have changed my thoughts: 

  1. Realized that I am allergic to wheat and I stopped eating it. 
  2. Emotion Code. 

Game Changer!

Both of these things together have changed my world! After some time without wheat, my brain has seriously calmed down. But practicing Emotion Code on myself has been the game changer! I am shocked sometimes when I realize where I was compared to where I am now. 

I have clarity of thought where I have never had it before and I CAN take thoughts captive. 

For You-

For you during this stressful time of year, I have some suggestions. 

  1. If you too struggle with negative thoughts and nothing you do seems to change that, come meet with me. I would love to give you the best gift this Christmas- clarity of thought!
  2. Try to keep to a good, whole food type diet. Keep the treats to a minimum. Sugary treats and alcoholic drinks are abundant at this time of year, as we all know. Adding these things to an already stressed out mind does not actually help! One drink or a treat here and there won’t hurt. But overdoing alcohol and sugar actually makes things much worse! Best to just keep to a healthy diet, drink plenty of water, and have a sweet treat. Just not ALL the sweet treats!! 
  3. Sleep. Try to keep a regular bedtime and wake time during this time of year. You are at your best when you get a good nights sleep. Your brain needs the time to rest and reset itself so set yourself up for success by sleeping at least 7 hours per night. 
  4. Fill your head with positives. I am a Bible girl, so I find verses that encourage me and I write them out and post them around the house. Currently you will find Philippians 4:6-9 on notecards around my house. It is reminding me to think on the good things!! If you aren’t into the Bible, find positive affirmations that can help you change your thinking. 
  5. Fill your world with positive people!! YES!!! People that can encourage you, pray with you and bring you up when you are feeling down. Don’t have those kinds of people in your life? GET SOME!!! Join an organization like FEW that prides itself on encouraging women to be all they have been created to be, without bringing others down. Build each other up! 

Meet with me!

Make an appointment with me and address negative thoughts. We don’t even have to talk about why they are there, we can just release them never to be a problem again! My first session is always FREE. Package pricing is available. 

The gift of Clarity of thought
A true gift!

Let’s give YOU a gift. Clarity of thought for Christmas! 



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