
Welcome to My Website!

Welcome to My Website!

Hello, and welcome!! I sincerely hope you will come visit often and find some help and hope. As an Emotion Code practitioner, I am learning all the time! Every person I work with gives me something new to learn. There is always something new to 

Emotion Code. Body Code. Belief Code. The Beginning, for me.

Emotion Code. Body Code. Belief Code. The Beginning, for me.

It’s the beginning of the year, so let’s start at the beginning. Emotion Code. Body Code. Belief Code.  The beginning, for me. I am going to write a few blog posts about how I became a Belief Code Practitioner. I thought that since its the 

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to jump on here today and wish you all a very, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I can’t even believe the year is over already. So much has happened this year and it seems like the whole year has been on an accelerated pace!! Maybe 

Why Do I Do the Things That I Do?

Why Do I Do the Things That I Do?

My WHY do I do the things that I DO? My “Thisisthereason” why I am passionate about healthy and living the Abundant Life. My parents. That’s it. It’s my parents. The things they went through with their health and life taught me so much. How 

Let’s Get Better: Removing Shame, Part 2

Let’s Get Better: Removing Shame, Part 2

Last week I started a series about removing Shame. Today, I’m going to finish my story about playing baseball as a kid and show you one way I have been known to heal memories. This particular one was about Shame. Sometimes I ask God to 

Let’s Get Better: Removing Shame, part 1

Let’s Get Better: Removing Shame, part 1

As humans, we are always in the process of healing and/or growing.  Whether we realize it or not.  Sometimes we are actively, searching for healing. Others we are just actively trying to make it through another day.  But we are even learning things in that.  

Where Do I Go From Here?

Where Do I Go From Here?

This is what I have been pondering lately..  Where do I go from here…. I have just come from 2 weeks of conferences. 2 very different conferences. Both pushing me to choose the best things for my life. Both enocouraging me and wanting me to 

AO Scan Technology- Blowing MY MIND!!

AO Scan Technology- Blowing MY MIND!!

I have come across this AO Scan technology and it truly is BLOWING MY MIND!! The things you can do with this, are amazing!! I scan myself in the morning, and find out what supplements my body is in need of. I don’t have to 

Time to Rest, Restore, and Renew

Time to Rest, Restore, and Renew

I just returned from a time to rest, restore, and renew myself. I have been known to do this for the last few years, and I am so glad I can do it. It is a treat that I don’t take lightly. I know that 

Comfort Zones and Life Insurance

Comfort Zones and Life Insurance

Recently, I stepped REALLY out of my comfort zone.  I committed to getting my life insurance license.  Yea.. That is something different for me, isn’t it??! I am usually the one to tell someone else to deal with the insurance stuff. Its not been my 

The Complexity of Grief

The Complexity of Grief

I guess I never really understood grief. The complexity of Grief is very real. I guess I always thought grief and grieving was one thing- sadness. Processing emotions. Remembering a life. That sort of thing. It’s so much more. I am learning that I really