Best Job Ever!
I truly believe I do have the best job ever! When I work with people or animals as an Emotion Code Practitioner, I get to see results. Sometimes immediately. Always I see some sort of results within a few days.
A trapped emotion is a ball of energy. It vibrates at its own frequency. Its about the size of an orange. Trapped emotions are often stuck somewhere in the trunk of the body but can lodge anywhere. Those irregular vibrations cause the energy field to change. In turn it can cause problems like anxiety or fear, discomfort and even a potential for diseases.
How do you know you have a trapped emotion?
Some people feel like they are always on the outside. Like they can never be a part of the group.
Some people have unexplained discomfort.
Reoccuring patterns of negative behavior can be a sign that there is a trapped emotion.
Is there a mindset that can be negative and a problem in your life?
There are many signs and symptoms of trapped emotions.
What is a trapped emotion?
Ever “stuff” an emotion? Yea.. Me too.. Seems like Moms do that kind of a lot.
How about a stressful event in your life? I know I have had a few of those. Most of the time, emotions are processed and we go on. Sometimes though we don’t take the time or aren’t able to process the emotion. Maybe you are like me and you ignore the emotion and keep going.
In our lives, Emotions are what causes us to fully experience life. We experience joy, sadness. Excitement. Anger, frustration. We can grieve. There are literally hundreds of emotions!
In times of extreme stress, we can experience lots of emotions all at once and it can be overwhelming. We cannot process all the emotions at times. An Emotion can lodge in the body. Especially if there is an area of weakness already. Eventually it can cause discomfort or a problem in some way. What I am seeing is that once I remove the trapped emotions, the discomfort or problem goes away.
And that fascinates me!
I have had several clients now say that they had discomfort in their body completely disappear. They report that the discomfort stays gone after a couple Emotion Code sessions with me! One person had strange discomfort suddenly throughout her body. There didn’t seem to be a source or reason. I released 10 emotions and the discomfort left. Several weeks later, she is still pain free.
Another person had what she described as a band around her chest and upper back area. After 1 session, we released 10 emotions, and that band and discomfort associated with it, left. She felt relieved to have it disappear!
How does this work?
God created us as energetic beings. It is science to know that we indeed have an electromagnetic field around us. Now science seems to be agreeing with the idea of Meridians from Ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture charts. We know that all of creation has vibration and frequency. That is also science. Our subconscious knows everything that has ever happened to us. I can tap into that subconscious through the energy field. Ask it simple yes or no questions via muscle testing and find the trapped emotions that the subconscious is ready to release.
As we all know, and I already stated, there are literally hundreds of emotions. It could take me all day to narrow down which emotion. Thankfully, I have a chart that narrows it down for me. On the chart are 60 emotions in 2 columns and further separated into 12 groups. These 60 are sufficient to give names to most of the emotions we can experience.
Once I have the emotion and a little more info as needed, I release it. I take my hand or a small magnet over the governing meridian that runs from the upper lip over the top of the head and down the spine to the its base. I run the magnet or my hand, three times, from the upper lip to the back of the head to release the emotion.
When I am doing a session, I invite God into the session. Holy Spirit and the subconscious are my guides. God knows more than I do. I just follow His lead!
Emotion Code for You!
I seriously have the Best Job Ever! My Emotion Code practice is so much fun. The look on people’s faces when we finish a session is the best thing. When they realize that the problem they had when they came in is no longer a problem is such a good feeling.
Fill out the form on my Emotion Code Practitioner page for your FREE first session. We can meet in person or virtually. I would love to meet you!!
I am running a sort of special right now too. For every referral you send me, I will send you, as a thank you, a Young Living essential oil up to a $15 value. For 3 or more, I will give you a Young LIving oil up to a $25 value.
Vicki, CECP (Certified Emotion Code Practitioner)
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