Emotion Code. Body Code. Belief Code. The Beginning, for me.

Emotion Code. Body Code. Belief Code. The Beginning, for me.

It’s the beginning of the year, so let’s start at the beginning.

Emotion Code.

Body Code.

Belief Code. 

The beginning, for me. I am going to write a few blog posts about how I became a Belief Code Practitioner. I thought that since its the beginning of the year, I would start at the beginning.

Where it all began:

The emotion code book
Where it all began.

Dr. Bradley Nelson created the Emotion Code process as we know it. Dr. Brad is a chiropractor from Utah who found that he could help his patients more effectively by releasing trapped emotions. He wrote a book about it, which I read, which explains it all in detail. 

Body Code book
The Body Code book is the second book that describes the second level of healing in the program.

I found Emotion Code in the fall of 2020. In my health journey, I found a practitioner who did Lymphatic massage. She was amazing and fun to listen to. About a year later, I returned to her for a follow-up appointment. She started to talk to me about Emotion Code. She told me about a friend of hers. She just texted him when she needed support. He would work on her, and she felt so much better. 

I was intrigued. 

So I did some research and saw that it was Energy Healing. 

Now, I am a strong follower of Christ, so when I saw that, I halted. I had worked in healing and deliverance ministry for many years. I learned that energy healing is something we stay away from. People had told me that energy healing is not from God so we don’t want to mess around with it. 

I understand that, and, I agree with the mindset behind that to some extent.

But, I would argue now that I am actively doing energy healing, God created energy. God made everything have a frequency and vibration. God made energy to have atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons. The world of Quantum Physics has opened our eyes to some amazing things about our world. One of the most important and pertinent to this article is that EVERYTHING has frequency and is comprised of ENERGY. 

we are energetic beings
There is so much more to us than just the body, soul, and spirit.

Including our emotions.


Prayer was key for me:

I prayed about it a lot. I wasn’t sure about it then, so I asked friends to pray. One friend shared her experience with the Emotion Code. It was powerful for her and her husband’s healing. I decided to experience it for myself. 

I set up a meeting with my lymphatic massage person’s friend. Turns out, he is a Holy Spirit-Filled Believer in Jesus like I am! And what a session we had!!  Well, two sessions, actually. Our first session was so amazing.  He did not know me at all, and in both sessions, I experienced healing. 

We have since become friends and have worked together on clients for several years now. 

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. 

Energy Healing/Source

Going back to God and energy and the concerns there, I get it. 

I have met a lot of people who do this work, and many are not Believers in Jesus.

The creator of this program, Dr. Nelson, is a Mormon who prayed and asked for help from God with his clients. Now, I am not going to argue about his salvation. I just know that this is how he came up with this program. 

we are energetic beings
We are made up of energy.

When I work on clients, I focus carefully on God. I pay attention to what God is doing in the session. The charts and tools from Discover Healing are so helpful. God can work through those tools so I use them. And, work through them, He does!

God created energy. God’s energy is in everything and everyone around us. When we walk in His love, He can use us. We can bring healing and freedom to those around us. And that is the beauty of what I get to do.

body soul and spirit logo

If you want to experience it for yourself, please click here for your FREE first session. (Or you can click here to read more about my work.) I will explain the process. Discuss your particular issues. And then demonstrate the process. I meet via phone, email, or zoom. Schedule yours today!!

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