Tag: Emotion Code

Your Grounding!

Your Grounding!

When I say “grounding”, what do you think of??  Are you like me and thought it was just some weird “Hippy-Dippy” thing? Or maybe you thought of electricity and that wire that was supposed to connect to the earth and keep the electricity from going 

The Messiness of Life

The Messiness of Life

Life is messy. Relationships are messy. Children and pets are messy.. jobs and businesses are messy. In the messiness of life, creativity can be lost We have to sometimes be pretty creative in how we handle life, don’t we?? I mean, nothing really follows the 

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative insecurity. Mud Month and Grounding??  All in one post?  Really??  Yes.  Here’s why:  Mud Month encourages grounding. Mud is all over right now, in my area anyways. (I call March Mud Month. I realize that April and May, because I’m in the garden a 

You, Your House, and Good Boundaries

You, Your House, and Good Boundaries

Let’s talk boundaries. How do they go along with rejection? And why am I talking about them in connection with Valentine’s Day?? I mean, isn’t that the time to celebrate love and romance and relationships??!!! Sure, Valentine’s Day is a great time to talk about 

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Our bodies are truly beautifully and wonderfully made. We have not even begun to understand the complexities of the human body. The human body is of course, made up of a body. Within that body are organs, nerves, cells, and so much more. Our body 

Hugge. Depression. Winter Blues.

Hugge. Depression. Winter Blues.

This month I have been talking, as much as I have been able, about Seasonal Affective Disorder. SAD… Winter Blues. Cabin Fever. Climbing the walls. You know, what happens every year when everything is cold, wet, cold, dark, cold, snowy. The holidays are over. There 

Let’s Simplify Christmas

Let’s Simplify Christmas

Here we are again. It’s the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It can be the absolute craziest time of the entire year, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s simplify Christmas this year. I had a friend would describe it like this: “It’s like sledding 

The Journey Towards Authenticity

The Journey Towards Authenticity

It’s not easy, this journey we call life. The search to follow your own path, despite others expectactions, is difficult. Some of us feel called to more. To a different path. One that we create ourselves. The journey towards authenticity is uniquely our own. Sure its 

Let’s Talk About Anxiety, Again.

Let’s Talk About Anxiety, Again.

Last time I wrote a blog post I talked about Anxiety. There are lots of types of Anxiety and I am writing about Anxiety in general. I want to bring it up again because there is so much to talk about when it comes to dealing 

Best Job Ever!

Best Job Ever!

I truly believe I do have the best job ever! When I work with people or animals as an Emotion Code Practitioner, I get to see results. Sometimes immediately. Always I see some sort of results within a few days.  A trapped emotion is a