Tag: Emotion Code

You Are Worth It

You Are Worth It

Lately I have been pondering the topic of identity. By Identity, I mean, who I am. Who I truly am. People often try to label me, and I’m sure you as well, and some of the labels are good.  Like:  Mom Grandma Wife Friend Gardener 

Fulfill the Plan and Purpose the Lord God Almighty Has For YOU

Fulfill the Plan and Purpose the Lord God Almighty Has For YOU

I believe this is going to be a series for a little while, so bear with me. I am finding so much about “Potential” that is so exciting!!  A week or so ago, when I woke up with that word in my head, I had 

Countdown to Christmas: Day 6. Depression.

Countdown to Christmas: Day 6. Depression.

It’s Countdown to Christmas Day 6 today and I’m talking about Depression. No one likes this word and yet, everyone seems to have it or be affected by it at one time or another.  Postpartum depression, Seasonal Affective Depression, generalized Depression.  It seems that everyone 

Childlike Imagination With God

Childlike Imagination With God

Have you ever watched a child or children just playing and thought, “oh to have the imagination of a child again.” Why don’t you? What stopped you from imagining?  What happened to that childlike imagination? I would like to encourage you to come back to 

Memories. Good. Bad. And Ugly.

Memories. Good. Bad. And Ugly.

Memories.. Good. Bad. And Ugly. Funny how memories work. We can have good memories or bad memories and really ugly memories. We can have blocked memories. Sometimes memories are sketchy, not so clear and just a little glimmer in the darkness.  Its all part of 

Annndd…. I’m Back!!! Family Updates and News!!

Annndd…. I’m Back!!! Family Updates and News!!

Wow, what a whirlwind of a summer!!!  But, I’m back and I have some fun family updates and BIG NEWS!!! A new baby. Moving a daughter and family of that new baby into a new house in the same month. A Bridal shower. A week 

Summer Update

Summer Update

Hello everyone… Its been a while since I have written anything here. There just has been so much going on that I just haven’t had the energy to do one more thing. But I have not been idle when it comes to my practice! Here 

The Gardens of Our Minds

The Gardens of Our Minds

Its spring- finally- so I’m in the gardens again. As I thought about what to write today, I thought about the gardens and some of the lessons we can learn from them. Like how our minds can be like the gardens. Its time to plant 

Sticks and stones…

Sticks and stones…

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  I remember yelling that back at the kids who called me names in elementary school. Jokingly, I said it as an adult. How many times have you heard this phrase or spoke 

Some Seasons are Harder than Others

Some Seasons are Harder than Others

This is a difficult season. I know many of you have noticed that my posts have been a little more vulnerable lately.. Many of you may have noticed that I haven’t posted as much lately. Maybe you haven’t noticed at all.. Everyone is in their