Let’s Talk About Anxiety, Again.

Let’s Talk About Anxiety, Again.

Last time I wrote a blog post I talked about Anxiety. There are lots of types of Anxiety and I am writing about Anxiety in general. I want to bring it up again because there is so much to talk about when it comes to dealing with this issue/emotion. (You can check out my previous blog post here: https://abundantlivingwithvicki.com/lets-talk-about-anxiety/ )

Not talking about the root cause of anxiety causes more anxiety.
So much anxiety!

Talking about Anxiety is giving me Anxiety. 

(I think my SEO will be happy with the amount of times I am using the word Anxiety in this post. Don’t think SEO will have Anxiety about me not using my topic enough times.)

I think its good to have some conversations about anxiety. In the past, we were quiet about such things. If I had anxiety in school or around people, I had to deal with life and move on. I had to adjust. If I had anxiety about social situations or people in general, too bad. I got to look stupid and that was it. 

Now- people are talking about mental health issues all the time. It’s good, yes. We need to have those conversations. I also think that if we don’t talk about the root causes of anxiety, we are totally missing it. A root cause can be trapped emotions or it can be traumas. I can help reduce anxiety, by releasing the emotions connected with the root cause.
When I release trapped emotions from the body, anxiety issues actually lessen. I have heard from several people that the anxiety they once felt is much less after a few Emotion Code sessions. That excites me!
Sometimes it does come back, but that only tells me that there are more emotions that need to be released. Which is the case with my dog.

Meila’s Testimony

A root cause of anxiety can be trapped emotions.
A root cause of anxiety can be trapped emotions.

I have a very large, currently 80lbs, Maremma Sheepdog. I purchased her 2 years ago to be my livestock guardian dog, which is what her breed does. She spent the first year and a half of her life in my pasture with my horse, mule, turkeys, ducks and chickens. She was awesome with them. Though, I hadn’t had a chance to train her before I realized that I could not manage them all myself. My body said nope. Turns out, I am allergic to the birds feathers. I am still recouping from that. 

As a result, she then came into the house. Now I have a dog who is almost 2 and has never been in the house and around a lot of people or other dogs. A working dog who needs a job. 

Talk about anxiety. 

Meila after releasing some emotions, including anxiety.
Meila is no longer ruled by anxiety

She was nervous about everyone and anyone who came into the house. When the other family dogs came over, she was nervous about them. We had several instances when she attacked our family dogs. She thought her job was to guard me from all the other dogs and people. It took me quite a while, but I did get her to understand that she did not need to guard me from everyone. Unfortunately, when people came into the house, she didn’t quite know what to do or think. She wanted to guard me but knew she wasn’t supposed to. Her response then was to shy away from people, bark and not let them come near her. Or me. 

I released some emotions from her, including anxiety, over several sessions. For a while she was more clingy, as it seems happens with all the dogs I work on. But now, she introduces herself to most new people. Often, she is very happy to meet new people.

When I allowed the dogs into the room with me while working with clients, she would choose her person and sit right next to them as they were being worked on. I had to walk around her as I worked with the person! (Often her and Malcolm would take turns sitting with my clients.) 

I would love to help you or your pet!

Anxiety happens. Releasing trapped emotions and dealing with the traumas can help. Contact me today for more info about how I can help you or your pet deal with anxiety.  Use the contact me form on my Emotion Code page and I will respond as soon as possible.


Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ. Keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always.
Philippians 4:6-8 – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=Philippians%204:6-8&version=TPT

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