Where Do I Go From Here?

Where Do I Go From Here?

This is what I have been pondering lately..  Where do I go from here….

I have just come from 2 weeks of conferences. 2 very different conferences. Both pushing me to choose the best things for my life. Both enocouraging me and wanting me to grow. 

But what do I want to do with this information?

Where do I go from here? 

I could just walk away from this time and not do anything with it, and thats ok.. but… is that what I should be doing? 


I don’t believe I should. But do I totally revamp my life into what Craig Groeschel tells me it should look like? Or one of the many other speakers I have heard from over the last 2 weeks?


Where do I go from here? I DECIDE

My life is my life and I can choose what works best for me. As I learned in this last conference, “I DECIDE” what I want to do and choose.

where do I go from here

There have been so many things in my life that have formed who I am today. So many events. So many interactions with people. So many speakers and encouragers. Others who may not have encouraged me in good ways.

I can look at the good things but I also have to consider what I have learned from the bad things. I can honor both. And its OK.

I know that I have learned and grown over the years. Looking back over the last 5 years, I see a very different person. I have learned so much.

God has been so good to me and taught me so much.


God is good in the good things and the bad.

He works all things for good.

He is limitless.

For me, personally, I know that my God is real. I know that God is working. I have seen it over and over and I believe. There have been miracles in my life and in the lives of those I have the privilege of working with.

My relationships have grown stronger and better.

My finances have begun to grow and we are debt-free.

Where do I go from here? I DECIDE

I am so thankful for all that God has done in my life. I am looking forward to what He will teach me and grow in me for the rest of this year and into the next. There are things I know He has been speaking to my heart about and I will work to implement them. Not all at once, but a little at a time.

We can’t eat an elephant whole, right? One bite at a time.

where do I go from here?
Embrace with my whole heart!


So for now, “I DECIDE” what I want to begin to implement in my life. I Decide what I want to put my whole heart into for both me and my family. What that looks like, I’m not sure, but God does. I put my trust in Him to guide and direct my steps. And He will.

Watch for more blog posts to come as I begin to make some things happen. I don’t know as yet what it will all look like. But I do know the first thing that I need to work more on is writing. I have several books in mind and on this computer that I need to get working on.

That and reading through the pile of new books we purchased from the Global Leadership Summit. Erwin Raphael McManus is someone I recommend you check out, fyi… And Craig Groeschel. There were a lot of other amazing speakers at that summit, but start with these 2.

I look forward to sharing with you the things that “I DECIDE” over the next few months as we move into the end of the year.


If you are interested in attending the Global Leadership Summit next year, or finding out more information about Craig Groeschel, please click here.

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