Tag: encouragement

The Gardens of Our Minds

The Gardens of Our Minds

Its spring- finally- so I’m in the gardens again. As I thought about what to write today, I thought about the gardens and some of the lessons we can learn from them. Like how our minds can be like the gardens. Its time to plant 

Sticks and stones…

Sticks and stones…

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  I remember yelling that back at the kids who called me names in elementary school. Jokingly, I said it as an adult. How many times have you heard this phrase or spoke 

You, Your House, and Good Boundaries

You, Your House, and Good Boundaries

Let’s talk boundaries. How do they go along with rejection? And why am I talking about them in connection with Valentine’s Day?? I mean, isn’t that the time to celebrate love and romance and relationships??!!! Sure, Valentine’s Day is a great time to talk about 

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

For years my brain was a mess. Toxic thoughts. Negative mindsets. Anxiety. Fear. I could get some clarity of thought sometimes, but never consistently. My mind was a hotbed of volcanic toxicity! How is that for a mental picture??!!   Sometimes it felt so thick… 

Let’s Simplify Christmas

Let’s Simplify Christmas

Here we are again. It’s the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It can be the absolute craziest time of the entire year, but it doesn’t have to be. Let’s simplify Christmas this year. I had a friend would describe it like this: “It’s like sledding 

Are You Stuck Looking at Your Rubble??

Are You Stuck Looking at Your Rubble??

Last week I saw a very real picture of my rubble. I looked around and saw all the messes everywhere. My list of things that need to get done is long. Every day I am adding to my lists. Not taking away, not checking off the boxes. I was stuck looking at my rubble. Not my half-done wall. (or kitchen.)

Encourage One Another to Love and Good Works

Encourage One Another to Love and Good Works

Are the people in your life encouraging you to be all you can be? Find the people who will!!

Welcome to My Website!

Welcome to My Website!

Hello, and welcome!! I sincerely hope you will come visit often and find some help and hope. As an Emotion Code practitioner, I am learning all the time! Every person I work with gives me something new to learn. There is always something new to