Countdown to Christmas: 10 Days!

Countdown to Christmas: 10 Days!

Let’s do a Countdown to Christmas: Day 10 today. I thought I would focus on the 10 most common emotions during this time of year, according to a quick Google search. In no particular order:  Stress Worry Anxiety Overwhelm Depression Sadness Trauma Frustration Grief Anger 

Childlike Imagination With God

Childlike Imagination With God

Have you ever watched a child or children just playing and thought, “oh to have the imagination of a child again.” Why don’t you? What stopped you from imagining?  What happened to that childlike imagination? I would like to encourage you to come back to 

Sticks and stones…

Sticks and stones…

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  I remember yelling that back at the kids who called me names in elementary school. Jokingly, I said it as an adult. How many times have you heard this phrase or spoke 

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative Insecurity. Mud Month. Grounding.

Creative insecurity. Mud Month and Grounding??  All in one post?  Really??  Yes.  Here’s why:  Mud Month encourages grounding. Mud is all over right now, in my area anyways. (I call March Mud Month. I realize that April and May, because I’m in the garden a 

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Beautifully and Wonderfully Made

Our bodies are truly beautifully and wonderfully made. We have not even begun to understand the complexities of the human body. The human body is of course, made up of a body. Within that body are organs, nerves, cells, and so much more. Our body 

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

Clarity of Thought for Christmas

For years my brain was a mess. Toxic thoughts. Negative mindsets. Anxiety. Fear. I could get some clarity of thought sometimes, but never consistently. My mind was a hotbed of volcanic toxicity! How is that for a mental picture??!!   Sometimes it felt so thick… 

Let’s Talk About Anxiety, Again.

Let’s Talk About Anxiety, Again.

Last time I wrote a blog post I talked about Anxiety. There are lots of types of Anxiety and I am writing about Anxiety in general. I want to bring it up again because there is so much to talk about when it comes to dealing 

Let’s Talk About Anxiety

Let’s Talk About Anxiety

A few years ago, I might have said, “Let’s not.” Or “I don’t have anxiety.” I certainly would not have wanted to actually have a conversation about anxiety. That would have given me anxiety!! At parties, often I would “hide” with the kids or behind 

Looking At My Half-Done Wall

Looking At My Half-Done Wall

 That is just a quick list of all the good stuff. That is where my focus needs to be; choosing to gaze upon my “half-done wall”, to admire it!

Are You Stuck Looking at Your Rubble??

Are You Stuck Looking at Your Rubble??

Last week I saw a very real picture of my rubble. I looked around and saw all the messes everywhere. My list of things that need to get done is long. Every day I am adding to my lists. Not taking away, not checking off the boxes. I was stuck looking at my rubble. Not my half-done wall. (or kitchen.)