Setting Healthy Boundaries You Can Live With

Setting Healthy Boundaries You Can Live With

How can you set healthy boundaries even tho the people around you refuse to? Set yourself some rules and boundaries. Think about those people in your life who consistently cause you frustration. Those people who come into your day and make your day awful. You 

Feed Them With a Long-Handled Spoon

Feed Them With a Long-Handled Spoon

Recently, I read the book, “Fool-Proofing Your Life” by Jan Silvious. I learned so much!! I think my title for this article, “feed them with a long-handled spoon” was my favorite line in the whole book!! Put simply, it means to create healthy boundaries between 

Exposing Shame: You are Enough!

Exposing Shame: You are Enough!

Yes. Lets talk about shame. Why? Because we NEED to. We need to allow for the conversation to happen in order for some healing to happen and, yes, some healing needs to happen. Knowing WHO we are changes things. Look, we are living in shame all the time. We 

Following MY Dreams

Following MY Dreams

Years ago, I read a book called “the Dream Giver”. I got so mad, I threw it across the room!!!  Hubby gets to follow his dreams. Not me.   At the time, I was swamped with kids, homeschooling, and all that goes with it. I 

Encourage One Another to Love and Good Works

Encourage One Another to Love and Good Works

Are the people in your life encouraging you to be all you can be? Find the people who will!!

My Personal Journey Toward Purpose

My Personal Journey Toward Purpose

A long time ago…. it was the early 90’s.. seems like a lifetime ago, but really only about 25 or so years has passed. I began a journey. A journey I needed to embark on.You see, up until that point, I felt like I was 



When my oldest few kids were teens, I had the mistaken idea that we would not have any problems.  They would be great teens and we would get through those years with flying colors. It would be great!! We would enjoy these years and we