Don’t Leave the Coop

I wrote the children’s book “Don’t Leave the Coop!” And published it last month. I am so honored to see that it hit #1 in 2 categories on Amazon and that it hit #4 overall in Christian children’s books. Thankful doesn’t describe how I feel about all of this!

Don’t Leave the Coop! By Victoria Reinke and Illustrated by Marianna McCall

Blown away.



Those words fit how I feel so much better. God is so good to me!

How I came about this story, is a tale in itself! You see, I have had this story on my computer for several years now. I have lots of stories on my computer because eventually, I will get them finished and ready to publish.

Like I did with this one.

I pulled it out and worked on it last summer.

The Process

Then it sat until this winter, when I pulled it up again and suddenly, God gave me the story, pretty much as it is written. We added and removed a few things as we illustrated the story. Then again as we edited the story. But the basis of the story remained.

Which is really what happens, I have learned, when you write a story to be published. The story is much different from what I originally imagined. The story originally was about a rooster we used to have who liked to stay in the coop. Like Reginald. That original story was more about courage and how, Reginald, when he saw the danger of Howard flying over, came out of the coop to warn the girls. He gained courage when he needed it.

When “Don’t Leave the Coop!” was downloaded to me this winter, the characters were the same, but the storyline and theme of the story changed to one about obedience. I felt like this was a much more important topic for right now.


Then when I began illustrating the story, I soon realized that illustrating is not my passion. I like to draw and paint, its fun to do, but it ends up being last on my to do list. It took me forever to get some paintings done. I contacted Marianna this spring to help me edit my illustrations and she was happy to do that. 2 and a half months later, when I still hadn’t sent her any drawings, she contacted me wondering if I was still interested in having her edit my illustrations.

I sent her a few of my illustrations and she showed me some things to add or do differently. Within a day or 2 of me sending them to her. Suddenly, I realized that me doing the drawings myself was not such a good idea. By the end of the next week, I hired her to do the illustrations and by the end of the month, I had them all!!

Well, most of them.

Marianna is an amazing artist and she is passionate about art!!

A perfect fit for an illustrator I think.

Her illustrations brought this story to life and I am so thankful.


Then, I spoke to another friend about publishing and she too, is amazing!! Kimberly Joy at FEW International Publishing, knew exactly what was needed to make this story POP! We spent many sessions reading through the story, adding things as needed- like Gertrude sticking her tongue out at the dog and the note about her being a “very naughty hen”.

I have learned so much through this process.

More to come

I do have more stories to come and I am excited about that!

This story has been about so much more than a rooster being obedient.

It was also about me being obedient to what God has entrusted to me.

A gift for writing stories that encourage, bless and help others.

Thank you so much for your support!

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